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Walking and Cycling

Since the publication of HD 42/17 in May 2017, we have noticed a steady increase in the number of WCHAR reports requested by highway authorities (and this includes local highway authorities as well as Highways England) in relation to new access junctions on the strategic and local highway network.  In most cases these reports have become a key consideration when informing the design of new junctions to serve development and even form supporting documents within planning applications alongside Transport Assessments, Travel Plans and Road Safety Audits.

So what is a WCHAR?

Essentially this is a Walking, Cycling & Horse-Riding Assessment & Review which supersedes former guidance relating to the Non-Motorised User Audits. The Government is seeking to encourage walking, cycling & horse-riding through national and local policies and plans, and the WCHAR process is a key tool in doing this. The WCHAR provides an evidence-based assessment of the potential needs of non-motorised users and ensures these are fully taken into account as part of the design process.

We have embraced the new guidance and have already successfully undertaken several assessments, keeping ourselves at the forefront of Transport Planning and keeping our clients ahead of the game in terms of reacting to potential and actual policy change.  If we can provide assistance in any way, whether this be related to a planning application or otherwise, please feel free to contact James Corbett at

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