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Meet the team: Interview with James Parker, our founder and director

James Parker interview

Why Transport Planning?
I might not be alone in this, but it wasn’t something I ever really planned to do; I left Sheffield University without much of a plan, had a few interviews that went nowhere and wasn’t that interested in the roles I was applying for, so I ended up doing a Masters degree in Transport Planning & Engineering at Leeds University and something just clicked.

I’m pretty sure a number of my clients will agree, but the geek in me is very much alive and kicking, and a career in Transport Planning offers the ability to combine broader written and communications skills, with the inner geek, whether it’s junction modelling, spreadsheets or data analysis; and trying to work through solutions that can range from the most simple tweak, to a very complex scheme.

Transport Planning is also fundamental to how we live now, and how we can choose to live in the future.

After 25 years, I still enjoy it every day, so that says something in my opinion.

Why Hub?
I set the business up in 2006 to be able to serve my clients properly and as efficiently as possible.

At Hub, we are a small team that offer an enjoyable and positive work environment, and full support for our employees who we want to become the best and most well-rounded transport planners they can be.


Favourite Food?
I love so many different types of food, but if I really had to choose I’d go for Rare Ribeye Steak with chips, mushrooms, onion rings and peas; and washed down with a glass (or several) of Gran Reserva Rioja.

Claim to Fame?
I can solve a standard (3x3) Rubik’s Cube in just over 30 seconds – my son taught me how to do it (he’s 11 and can solve it in under 10 seconds (so I have had to accept that I “suck” at cubing!)).

What are you reading, watching or listening to?

Reading: ‘12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos’ by Jordan B Peterson.

Watching: I love watching Rick Shiels, or the Good Good lads on YouTube (both Golf-related).

Listening: The Louis Theroux Podcast (I’ve loved him since he did ‘Weird Weekends’ in the late 90s).

Contact James Parker:  / 0121 661 4870.

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